SQL Server

Five undocumented SQL Server 2014 distributed queries stored procedures

Five undocumented SQL Server 2014 distributed queries stored procedures

SQL Server 2014 supports the following five useful undocumented distributed queries stored procedures:

– sp_catalogs_rowset
– sp_catalogs_rowset2
– sp_catalogs_rowset_rmt
– sp_linkedservers_rowset
– sp_linkedservers_rowset2


The sp_catalogs_rowset distributed queries stored procedure returns the database name for
the specified database if the current user has access for this database.


sp_catalogs_rowset [ @catalog_name = ] ‘catalog_name’


[ @catalog_name = ] ‘catalog_name’
The name of the catalog. Catalog is equivalent to databases in SQL Server 2014.
catalog_name is sysname, with no default.

Return Code Values


Result Sets

Column name Data type Description
CATALOG_NAME nvarchar(128) Is the catalog name
DESCRIPTION nvarchar(1) Always return NULL.


This stored procedure exists in the master database.


Requires SELECT permission on the schema.


This example returns the Sales as the database (catalog) name if the current user has access
to the Sales database:

USE master
EXEC sp_catalogs_rowset @catalog_name = ‘Sales’


The sp_catalogs_rowset2 distributed queries stored procedure returns the list of the
databases the current user has access to.



Return Code Values


Result Sets

Column name Data type Description
CATALOG_NAME nvarchar(128) Is the catalog name
DESCRIPTION nvarchar(1) Always return NULL.


This stored procedure is similar to the sp_catalogs_rowset procedure. The difference
is that the sp_catalogs_rowset2 procedure returns all the databases the current user
has access to, when the sp_catalogs_rowset procedure checks only the specified database.
This stored procedure exists in the master database.


Requires SELECT permission on the schema.


This example returns all databases the current user has access to

USE master
EXEC sp_catalogs_rowset2


The sp_catalogs_rowset_rmt distributed queries stored procedure returns the catalog
name and the catalog description for the specified catalog if the current user has
access for this catalog. If the catalog name was not specified this procedure returns
the list of catalogs in the specified linked server the current user has access to.
Catalog is equivalent to database in SQL Server 2014.


sp_catalogs_rowset_rmt [ @server_name = ] ‘linked_svr’,
[ @catalog_name = ] ‘catalog_name’


[ @server_name = ] ‘linked_svr’
The name of a linked server. linked_svr is sysname, with no default.

[ @catalog_name = ] ‘catalog_name’
The name of the catalog. catalog_name is sysname, with default NULL.

Return Code Values


Result Sets

Column name Data type Description
CATALOG_NAME nvarchar(128) Is the catalog name
DESCRIPTION nvarchar(4000) Is the description of the catalog


If the catalog name is not specified, this stored procedure is similar to the sp_catalogs
documented distributed queries stored procedure. The difference is that the sp_catalogs_rowset_rmt
procedure returns only the catalogs the current user has access to, when the sp_catalogs procedure
returns all catalogs. This stored procedure exists in the master database.


Requires SELECT permission on the schema.


This example returns the list of catalogs in the SalesPub linked server the current user
has access to:

USE master
EXEC sp_catalogs_rowset_rmt @server_name = ‘SalesPub’


The sp_linkedservers_rowset distributed queries stored procedure is used to return the
properties of the specified linked server.


sp_linkedservers_rowset [ @srvname = ] ‘server_name’


[ @srvname = ] ‘server_name’
The name of the linked server to show properties. server_name is sysname, with no default.

Return Code Values


Result Sets

Column name Data type Description
SRV_NAME sysname Is the name of the linked server.
SRV_PRODUCT nvarchar(128) Is the product name of the linked server.
SRV_PROVIDERNAME nvarchar(128) Is the OLE DB provider name.
SRV_DATASOURCE nvarchar(4000) Is the OLE DB data source property corresponding to the linked server
SRV_PROVIDERSTRING nvarchar(4000) Is the OLE DB provider string property corresponding to the linked server
SRV_LOCATION nvarchar(4000) Is the OLE DB location property corresponding to the specified linked server
SVR_CATALOG sysname Is the OLE DB catalog property corresponding to the specified linked server


The sp_linkedservers_rowset procedure returns the linked server’s properties for only the
linked server that was enabled for distributed query access. This stored procedure exists
in the master database.


Requires SELECT permission on the schema.


This is the example to return the properties of the SalesPub linked server:

USE master
EXEC sp_linkedservers_rowset @srvname = ‘SalesPub’


The sp_linkedservers_rowset2 distributed queries stored procedure returns the list of linked
servers defined in the local server and enabled for distributed query access.



Return Code Values


Result Sets

Column name Data type Description
SRV_NAME sysname Is the name of the linked server.
SRV_PRODUCT nvarchar(128) Is the product name of the linked server.
SRV_PROVIDERNAME nvarchar(128) Is the OLE DB provider name.
SRV_DATASOURCE nvarchar(4000) Is the OLE DB data source property corresponding to the linked server
SRV_PROVIDERSTRING nvarchar(4000) Is the OLE DB provider string property corresponding to the linked server
SRV_LOCATION nvarchar(4000) Is the OLE DB location property corresponding to the specified linked server
SVR_CATALOG sysname Is the OLE DB catalog property corresponding to the specified linked server


The sp_linkedservers_rowset2 procedure is similar to the sp_linkedservers procedure.
The difference is that the sp_linkedservers procedure returns all linked servers defined
in the local server when the sp_linkedservers_rowset2 procedure returns only the servers
that were enabled for distributed query access. This stored procedure exists in
the master database.


Requires SELECT permission on the schema.


This is the example to return the list of linked servers defined in the local server and enabled
for distributed query access:

USE master
EXEC sp_linkedservers_rowset2