Author: SSWUG Research


Automatic Numbering, Part Two

by Bob DuCharme – In last month’s column, we saw how XSLT’s xsl:number element lets you add numbers to your output for numbered lists or chapter and section headers. We looked at some of the attributes of this element that let you control its appearance — for example, how to output the numbers as R


XML in the Raw?

by Kurt Cagle – Kurt Cagle says we shouldn’t become so fixated on hiding XML that it disappears. Read his commentary on the fight between the XML Brokers, the XML Linguists, and other groups on whether to “clothe” XML or keep it “naked.”


Tablespace usage view

By Andrew Barringer – This view allows you to easily see the top 10% by Row Count, Space Used, etc. This is useful for answering the question “what’s taking up all the space in my database?” I wrote it when asked to find what table(s) were using all the space in a particular database.