Author: SSWUG Research


Using TABLE Variables

Table variables are just plain cool. If you’re using temporary tables and don’t need transactions on those tables and want better performance I’d strongly consider using table variables instead. Table variables were introduced in SQL Server 2000. You create a table variable the same way you c


SQL Server & XML integration

By Jonathan Lurie & Timothy Stockstill – Microsoft was initially slow to develop an Internet product. I recently read a quote from a ranking Microsoft employee who said, “If you cut us, we bleed XML.” While this may seem a little dramatic, it happens to be true: XML seems to be everywhere in Microso


Log-File Growth and DBCC DBREINDEX

From SQLMag – I have a 30GB database, and I use the Full recovery model. Whenever I use Database Consistency Checker (DBCC) DBREINDEX to periodically reindex certain large tables, I change the recovery model to Bulk_Logged, then return it to Full after the reindexing is complete. I expected that thi