Editorials, Encryption/Data Security

Is it Time for ORMs?

With Stephen Wynkoop
On the show today we have Kevin Kline as he shares his thoughts on why Big Data is important Watch the Show

Is it Time for ORMs?
Object Relational Mapping tools have been around for years, and are still a controversial issue. Coming from a DBA background I find them to be both a friend and a foe, depending on the day.

Most ORM tools build dynamic SQL. The best ones generated parameter driven SQL, having a performance boost for the extra effort. The down side of the dynamic SQL is that it generates many more query plans (even with parameters) than what would often happen using Stored Procedures. The plus side is that you don’t have to write as many stored procedures, or have stored procedures handling multiple scenarios.

Today I was reading an editorial on optimizing ORMs http://www.infoq.com/articles/optimizing-orm-performance and was pleased to see techniques for making an ORM work more efficiently. This editorial demonstrates how to optimize N+1 queries where a set of data is returned for which another query must be performed on each row gathering additional data. The article demonstrates a technique for LiteSpeed ORM to retrieve all the relevant data in a single round trip to the database server. The latest version of Entity Framework has a similar solution.

Are you using an ORM? If so, what situations do you enhance the ORM to integrate with stored procedures as well? If not, do you roll your own? Drop a note to btaylor@sswug.org with your ORM experience.




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