
Need your help and feedback

We’re re-launching SSWUGtv – and we have some ideas of the things we want to include, but I’d love to have your feedback and thoughts as well. The show will be short-ish, except of course on those rare (!!) occassions when I can’t seem to be quiet. But I’m thinking 5-10 minutes/week.

It’ll be including new information and tips and a look back at the prior week… but this is where you come in.

What types of things would you like to see in thes show?

– SQL Server tips
– Summary of the things going on in the data world
– Outside news (as in outside SSWUG.ORG)
– Inside news (inside SSWUG.ORG)
– Cloud services news
– etc.

It looks like a lot of content, but of course with a short show, we’re talking about very fast looks and not every item all the time, but here’s the important question –

What would you like to see? Any of these? All of these? None of these? Something entirely different? (Sorry, I can’t sing or dance, you’re stuck with Tech area things).

What say you? If you don’t want to comment, shoot me a note at swynk@sswug.org and we’ll keep it confidential. Otherwise, comment-away down below.