Tag: sql server


Price Comparisons

Compare pricing for SQL Server 2000 and Oracle9i with this pricing calculator. Click Oracle-SQL.xls on this page to use the Microsoft Excel–based calculator and determine pricing differences between these two relational database products.


Hacking Exposed Windows 2000

Book by Joel McClure, Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray – How to break into a Windows 2000 system and, by extension, how to go about defending against attacks. Sections deal with tools for locating victim systems, gaining access to them, and either damaging them, overloading them, or using them as bases


The ABCs of Bcp

By Curt A. Gilman – Bulk copy program (bcp), the command-line bulk copy utility that ships with all SQL Server releases, is an oft-overlooked but essential component of a DBA’s toolkit. Although the utility gets stuck in the SQL Server program folder without so much as a shortcut on the Start menu—a


Server Pack 1 Installation Steps

By Michael Otey – It’s hard to believe, but it’s service pack time already. Service Pack 1 (SP1) for SQL Server 2000 installs like earlier service packs; however, in addition to the service pack for the database engine and SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services, SP1 includes a service pack component just